Randell, Sean David2008-12-112008-12-112008-12-11http://hdl.handle.net/10539/5891This dissertation considers an American put option written on a single underlying which does not pay dividends, for which no closed form solution exists. As a conse- quence, numerical techniques have been developed to estimate the value of the Amer- ican put option. These include analytical approximations, tree or lattice methods, ¯nite di®erence methods, Monte Carlo simulation and integral representations. We ¯rst present the mathematical descriptions underlying these numerical techniques. We then provide an examination of a selection of algorithms from each technique, including implementation details, possible enhancements and a description of the convergence behaviour. Finally, we compare the estimates and the execution times of each of the algorithms considered.enanalytical approximationsAmerican putMonte Carlo simulationtree methodlattice methodnumerical techniquesNumerical techniques for the American putThesis