Benecke, Anna K.2015-01-072015-01-071976None0078-8554 articleFertile material, consisting of 27 specimens showing 29 fructifications from Mooi River and 46 specimens showing 98 fructifications from the Loskop site, is described. An emended generic diagnosis of Dictyopteridium is given; specimens belonging to D.sporiferum Feistmantel and D. flabellatum sp. nov. are described, as well as Fetura gen. nov. including F. natalensis comb. nov. and Scopus gen. nov. containing S. gibbosus, S. confertus, S. didiscus and S. obscurus spp. nov.enGlossopteris; fructifications; Beaufort; South AfricaSeveral new forms of Glossopteris fructifications from the Beaufort Daptocephalus-Zone (Upper Permian) of Natal, South AfricaArticle