Chen, Chen-Yu2006-02-092006-02-092006-02-09 of Science in Engineering - EngineeringThe next generation telecommunication networks offers traditional voice type services as well as advanced data services, typically of the multi-media based type, on top of an open resource, heterogeneous network that delivers services with a specified level of quality of service (QoS). The need for a comprehensive telecommunications service accounting management system in the such Next Generation Network is envisaged as the traditional telecommunications billing system does not meet the accounting management requirements in such network. This report present the design and implementation of a service accounting management system based on the Telecommunications Information Networking Architecture (TINA). The service accounting management in TINA service environment, which allows the users to obtain multiple service with specified network connection QoS, is emonstrated on the South Africa TINA Trial platform, which provides a next generation service environment conceived by TINA. This work shows the generation and the flow of the service and network usage accounting information in the distributed processing environment.71925 bytesapplication/pdfenmanagementtelecommunicationsaccountingtinaTelecommunications service accounting management based on TINAThesis