Faltein, Fikile Monwabisi2011-11-102011-11-102011-11-10http://hdl.handle.net/10539/10765MM thesis - P&DMWith the adoption of the National Crime Prevention Strategy in 1996, the government of South Africa developed and implemented victim empowerment policies that are meant to improve service delivery to victims of crime and violence. One of these policies is the National Policy Guidelines for Victim Empowerment, which provides a framework for sound inter-departmental and inter-sectoral collaboration in managing victim empowerment. The purpose of this study was to investigate and explore challenges experienced in coordinating the Victim Empowerment Programme. The researcher has interviewed Victim Empowerment Coordinators in the Gauteng Province. One of the main findings of this research was that coordination of the Victim Empowerment Programme is negatively affected by duplication of efforts, lack of participation and lack of authority to coordinate. It was also established that factors like inadequate funding, insufficient human resources and lack of a consolidated voice of civil society organisations have contributed to the inadequate implementation of the Victim Empowerment ProgrammeenVictim empowermentVictims of crime support programmesTHE CHALLENGES OF COORDINATING THE VICTIM EMPOWERMENT PROGRAMME IN THE GAUTENG PROVINCEThesis