Muwanga Fred Tusuubira2006-11-082006-11-082006-11-08 research report submitted to The Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Witwatersrand, in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Of Masters in Public Health Johannesburg 2005ABSTRACT Swaziland is currently faced with a deepening HIV/AIDS epidemic. A systemic review of available information concerning the economic impact of HIV/AIDS on Swaziland was undertaken to collate data and document this impact in order to inform decision makers and planners. The methodology for the systematic review was based on the guidelines described in the Cochrane Reviewers’ handbook. HIV/AIDS has significantly increased the vulnerability of affected Swaziland rural households to environmental shocks. There is an increased burden of orphans due to HIV/AIDS, reduced household labour and income as adults die of AIDS. HIV/AIDS has reduced farm productivity leading to worsening of food insecurity and poverty in affected households. Due to HIV/AIDS, absenteeism in Swaziland organizations has increased by 20- fold. HIV/AIDS is currently the leading cause of death accounting for over 60 percent of all employee deaths. Organisations that have implemented HIV/AIDS workplace responses have been less affected. The micro-sector is the worst affected and it is recommended that policy makers ensure that this sector is protected from the negative impact of HIV/AIDS. The epidemic of negative impacts of HIV/AIDS in Swaziland has not yet reached the peak.333977 bytesapplication/pdfeneconomic impactHIV/AIDS epidemicproductivityburden of orphansA systematic review of available information concerning the economic impact of HIV/AIDS on SwazilandThesis