Kotze, Paul2014-01-172014-01-172013-07Kotze,Paul. 2013. New Construction Economics and Management Building, University of the Witwatersrand. Architecture SA. 2013 Jul/Aug p26-30http://hdl.handle.net10539/13515Building Project ReviewMuch of the building activity that is currently occurring at South African universities should be seen in the context of the recent growth in student numbers and a backlog of building stock that has accumulated over a considerable period of time. To address this problem, the Department of Higher Education and Training has made the necessary funding available. The result has been the commissioning of new university buildings countrywide at a tempo and scale not seen for a long time.enConstruction Economics and Management Building, University of Witwatersrand, Michael Scholes & Associate ArchitectsNew Construction Economics and Management Building, University of the WitwatersrandArticle