Marais, G. v. R. (Gerrit van Rooyen)2022-05-232022-05-231965 dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering of the University of the WitwatersrandThere are two methods available for the calculation of the disturbing forces in the active failure by sliding embankments of cohesionless material. The first is due to Hummel & Finnan (1921) and Trollope (1951) and the second is due to Rendulic (1938). Using these two methods in the stability analysis of a sliding failure of a 260 ft high earth dam at Cullinan, South Africa, showed that there was a significant difference in the horizontal thrusts as determined by the two methods. (Abbreviation abstract)enEmbankments -- Design and construction -- Mathematical models.The active failure of embankments of cohesionless materialsThesis