Makoni, Eric Nyembezi2006-11-142006-11-142006-11-14 Number : 0110272F - MSc research report - School of Architecture and Planning - Faculty of Engineering and the Built EnvironmentWith global socio-economic restructuring, a phenomenon that has a tremendous impact of the way nation-states interact with each other, the rise of the sub-national level of government has been celebrated. From a new regionalist prospective, the region is canonised as a functional space and an arena effectively negotiate with the challenges and opportunities posed by globalisation. The region - that is the province, is well positioned to effectively translate national policies and projects in a reality. Without necessarily displacing the national-state as a focal point for economic governance and development, the region particularly in developed countries has played a pivotla role in shaping the way societal activities are approached. With the subsequent devolution of political power form the centre to the sub-national government, the latter has proved to be more developmental primarily in its approach to strategic development. Using new Regionalism (NR) as a launch pad, this researhc seeks to unravel and effectively engage with the debates around regional-scale planning. The regional-scale planning experiences from the United Kingdom (UK), Netherlands and India will be explored. Most importantly, the current role the provincial sphere in South Africa will be explored. Realising that the South African planning system is in a process of being redefined and refined, the relevance and importance of the provincial sphere in monitoring local government planning activities cannot be undermined.158279 bytes12653 bytes72417 bytes15213 bytes56502 bytes24338 bytes131718 bytes639595 bytes394744 bytes612712 bytes546852 bytes478853 bytes170962 bytes90610 bytes36085 bytes87079 bytes50057 bytes43444 bytes75169 bytes78031 bytes52181 bytesapplication/pdfapplication/pdfapplication/pdfapplication/pdfapplication/pdfapplication/pdfapplication/pdfapplication/pdfapplication/pdfapplication/pdfapplication/pdfapplication/pdfapplication/pdfapplication/pdfapplication/pdfapplication/pdfapplication/pdfapplication/pdfapplication/pdfapplication/pdfapplication/pdfenprovincial planningSouth AfricaPGDSThe role and purpose of provincial-scale planning in post-apartheid South AfricaThesis