Makhura, Maphutha Patrick2011-05-132011-05-132011-05-13 - P&DMThe research report endeavors to unearth the factors which cause the failure and success of income generating projects. Poverty Relief Programme implemented in Gauteng province was chosen to enable realisation of the objective of the research report. The background provides a brief account of the programme, problem statement, research question, and purpose of the study, significance of the report as well as the outline of the research methodology. The question of the study what led to the success and failures of poverty reduction community initiatives was inspired by the high failure rate representing about 90 percent of business oriented projects in PRP from 1998 to 2004. The study highlights possible solutions flowing directly from success and failures of these well intended community initiatives. Case study method was applied to make the task of the research manageable. Two projects, one defunct and the other still existing, served as case studies. Data was collected using a questionnaire for officials and focus group at projects members’ level. Univariate analysis method was undertaken to analyse data after it was categorised and respective percentages in relation to sample size were determined. The key findings are: Officials from the intervening organisation possessed relevant skills necessary for supporting income generating projects,No market survey was done prior to programme implementation, Projects linkages with public private sectors,Projects members received appropriate training, There was no systems approach to programme planning and implementationenIncome generating projectsPoverty relief programmesA REVIEW OF INCOME GENERATION PROJECTS WITHINThesis