Kigongo-Bukenya, Prof Isaac M. N2016-06-222016-06-222016-06-22 Education curriculum in Uganda is as old as the East African School of Library and Information Science (EASLIS) which started producing Information Professionals (IPs) since 1963. This paper probes whether Uganda LIS Education Curriculum currently offered by EASLIS is capable of graduating IPs specialized in digitization. It is premised on the hypothesis that an optimum curriculum is key to Digital Library Education in producing IPs to spearhead effective digitization management. Ma, O’Brien and Clegg (2006:165-174) concur that Digital Library Education (DLE) has assumed increasing importance. Sreenivasulu (2000: 12-20) agrees that the best IPs to implement digitization, are those “combining librarianship and technology”.enOptimum curriculum for effective digital management of cultural heritage: The Uganda perspectiveArticle