Bahati, Bernard2011-05-242011-05-242011-05-24 research was carried out in the context of the current efforts made in the line of integrating ICT-as a medium of teaching and learning - in Rwandan Higher Institutions of Learning and focused on the pedagogical integration of ICT in teaching and learning events at KIE. Both qualitative and quantitative research approaches were used and the data were collected using survey questionnaires, interviews, student discussions, and documentary analysis. The findings show that while KIE has made the commitment to use ICT in supporting and facilitating the successful pursuit of its mission, there is no coherent and detailed strategy or framework to support the use of ICT pedagogical tools in the teaching and learning events. As far as equipment, connectivity and access of/to ICT facilities at KIE are concerned, this study show that although the current level of ICT equipment, accessibility, and connectivity of ICT-related facilities at KIE is not flawlessly conducive to the effective integration of ICT in teaching and learning activities, there is an ICT foundation (in terms of equipment, accessibility and connectivity) that would allow KIE academic members to integrate ICT in their activities to a certain extent. However, the lack of [or inadequate] teacher training and development coupled with other institution-level and human-level manipulative and non-manipulative barriers, is impeding the effective integration of ICT into teaching and learning events at KIE. As a result, KIE lecturers and students are using sporadically ICT as an add-on to their traditional ―teaching and learning as usual‖ with no real impact in which lecturers would rethink new ways of re-engineering the teaching strategies leading to increased quality in teaching and learningenIs ICT being integrated pedagogically into teaching and learning events at Kigali Institute of Education (KIE)?Thesis