Thwala, Luthando2022-12-142022-12-142021 dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Master of Arts to the Faculty of Humanities, School of Literature, Language and Media, University of the Witwatersrand, 2021This study seeks to highlight the importance of pedagogical content knowledge, the use of correct language instructors to develop and further the aims of the IIAL through a contextual and balanced language teaching approach. This study seeks to eliminate language superiority and further develop undeveloped languages which will result in successful policy implementations. Language is embedded in culture and effective pedagogies should be employed in constructing knowledge to attain learning objectives, thus. The concepts framing this study are pedagogy, sociolinguistics and constructivism, all functioning as the foundation of language teaching and learning. The literature reviewed in this study foregrounds the importance of cultural cognition in teaching indigenous languages and the effective usage of media to promote language literacy learning. Findings in this research bring to the fore ideas on how the superiority of English in teaching isiZulu through direct translation leads to the omission and altering of content and context. The highlight of the study is the importance of using qualified language teachers to teach the target language. The employment of language teachers will display the balanced approach in language teaching, using theories that facilitate language learning, displaying pedagogical content knowledge that will eliminate obvious and unacceptable errors on the translated target languageenTeaching African languages literacy at foundation phase level: exploring the use of media in teaching and learning IsiZuluDissertation