Rose-Innes, Nicky2011-03-302011-03-302011-03-30 - WBSThe purpose of this research was to determine which factors drive travellers’ airport duty free buying behaviour, how these driving factors differ among the various demographical groups and the impact of travelling behaviour on these driving factors. Two hundred traveling shoppers were identified in the duty free mall of Johannesburg International Airport through a process of quota sampling to participate in the face-to-face completion of a travel retail buying behaviour questionnaire that was completed on their behalf by trained interviewers. Likert scale questions were asked to determine the importance respondents associated with various driving factors. A variety of closed and open ended questions were asked to further understand respondents’ airport duty free buying behaviour. The main findings were that culture, reference groups, time and lifestyle are the strongest drivers of airport duty free buying behaviour, and that there is a correlation between crowding and shopping anxiety, and shopping satisfaction.enRetail buying behaviourAirports, South AfricaRETAIL BUYING BEHAVIOUR IN SOUTH AFRICAN AIRPORTSThesis