Bamford, Marion K.Corbett, Ian B.2015-01-112015-01-111995None0078-8554 articleFossil wood was collected from a palaeo-beach sequence on the farms Sandkop, Oubeep and adjacent State land, on the Namaqualand (west) coast of South Africa. Of the 14 samples sectioned only 5 were well enough preserved to describe and identify to species level. The woods are podocarpaceous and have been assigned to the taxa Podocarpoxylon cf. umzambense, Mesembrioxylon woburnense, M. stokesi and Mesembrioxylon sp. The samples are Lower Cretaceous in age and were most probably reworked a number of times into successively younger palaeoshoreline deposits. The same species occurred in the offshore sediments, therefore indicating a wider area of "woodland" and further evidence of extensive shelf erosion by subsequent marine transgressions and regressions.enPodocarpaceae, Lower Cretaceous, South Africa.More fossil wood from the Namaqualand coast, South Africa; onshore material.Article