Barlow, Dilushka2018-07-182018-07-182018 document is submitted in partial fulfilment for the degree: Master of Architecture (Professional) at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, 2018.Drug resistant tuberculosis can notoriously be known as the ‘merchant of death’ in South Africa, due to this highly infectious disease having the highest mortality rate in the country. Tuberculosis becomes the translation of a disease to the encapsulation within a confined space. The conformity leads to the psychological realism of entrapment. Isolation has become the medium used to identify the “estranged” ill. Tuberculosis necessitates isolation, yet the psychological state of the patient is without emphasis. The mental barriers which have been constructed, must be owed to the disease which has manifested to a psychosomatic state of constriction. This research report aims to create a spatial platform, in which the patient no longer faces a barrage of psychological isolative imprisonment, whilst in tandem allowing the medical regime to operate at the ultimate therapeutic degreeen[Non]isolationThesis