The data presented here were used to produce the following paper: Archibald, Twine, Mthabini, Stevens (2021) Browsing is a strong filter for savanna tree seedlings in their first growing season. J. Ecology. The project under which these data were collected is: Mechanisms Controlling Species Limits in a Changing World. NRF/SASSCAL Grant number 118588 For information on the data or analysis please contact Sally Archibald: Description of file(s): File 1: cleanedData_forAnalysis.csv (required to run the R code: "finalAnalysis_PostClipResponses_Feb2021_requires_cleanData_forAnalysis_.R" The data represent monthly survival and growth data for ~740 seedlings from 10 species under various levels of clipping. The data consist of one .csv file with the following column names: treatment Clipping treatment (1 - 5 months clip plus control unclipped) plot_rep One of three randomised plots per treatment matrix_no Where in the plot the individual was placed species_code First three letters of the genus name, and first three letters of the species name uniquely identifies the species species Full species name sample_period Classification of sampling period into time since clip. status Alive or Dead standing.height Vertical height above ground (in mm) Length of the longest branch (in mm) total.branch.length Total length of all the branches (in mm) Basal stem diameter (in mm) Length of the longest spine postclipStemNo Number of resprouting stems (only recorded AFTER clipping) date.clipped date.clipped date.measured date.measured date.germinated date.germinated Age.of.plant Date measured - Date germinated newtreat Treatment as a numeric variable, with 8 being the control plot (for plotting purposes) File 2: Herbivory_SurvivalEndofSeason_march2017.csv (required to run the R code: "FinalAnalysisResultsSurvival_requires_Herbivory_SurvivalEndofSeason_march2017.R" The data consist of one .csv file with the following column names: treatment Clipping treatment (1 - 5 months clip plus control unclipped) plot_rep One of three randomised plots per treatment matrix_no Where in the plot the individual was placed species_code First three letters of the genus name, and first three letters of the species name uniquely identifies the species species Full species name sample_period Classification of sampling period into time since clip. status Alive or Dead standing.height Vertical height above ground (in mm) Length of the longest branch (in mm) total.branch.length Total length of all the branches (in mm) Basal stem diameter (in mm) Length of the longest spine postclipStemNo Number of resprouting stems (only recorded AFTER clipping) date.clipped date.clipped date.measured date.measured date.germinated date.germinated Age.of.plant Date measured - Date germinated newtreat Treatment as a numeric variable, with 8 being the control plot (for plotting purposes) genus Genus MAR Mean Annual Rainfall for that Species distribution (mm) rainclass High/medium/low File 3: allModelParameters_byAge.csv (required to run the R code: "FinalModelSeedlingSurvival_June2021_.R" Consists of a .csv file with the following column headings Age.of.plant Age in days species_code Species pred_SD_mm Predicted stem diameter in mm pred_SD_up top 75th quantile of stem diameter in mm pred_SD_low bottom 25th quantile of stem diameter in mm treatdate date when clipped pred_surv Predicted survival probability pred_surv_low Predicted 25th quantile survival probability pred_surv_high Predicted 75th quantile survival probability species_code species code Bite.probability Daily probability of being eaten max_bite_diam_duiker_mm Maximum bite diameter of a duiker for this species duiker_sd standard deviation of bite diameter for a duiker for this species max_bite_diameter_kudu_mm Maximum bite diameer of a kudu for this species kudu_sd standard deviation of bite diameter for a kudu for this species mean_bite_diam_duiker_mm mean etc duiker_mean_sd standard devaition etc mean_bite_diameter_kudu_mm mean etc kudu_mean_sd standard deviation etc genus genus rainclass low/med/high File 4: EatProbParameters_June2020.csv (required to run the R code: "FinalModelSeedlingSurvival_June2021_.R" Consists of a .csv file with the following column headings shtspec species name species_code species code genus genus rainclass low/medium/high seed mass mass of seed (g per 1000seeds) Surv_intercept coefficient of the model predicting survival from age of clip for this species Surv_slope coefficient of the model predicting survival from age of clip for this species GR_intercept coefficient of the model predicting stem diameter from seedling age for this species GR_slope coefficient of the model predicting stem diameter from seedling age for this species species_code species code max_bite_diam_duiker_mm Maximum bite diameter of a duiker for this species duiker_sd standard deviation of bite diameter for a duiker for this species max_bite_diameter_kudu_mm Maximum bite diameer of a kudu for this species kudu_sd standard deviation of bite diameter for a kudu for this species mean_bite_diam_duiker_mm mean etc duiker_mean_sd standard devaition etc mean_bite_diameter_kudu_mm mean etc kudu_mean_sd standard deviation etc AgeAtEscape_duiker[t] age of plant when its stem diameter is larger than a mean duiker bite AgeAtEscape_duiker_min[t] age of plant when its stem diameter is larger than a min duiker bite AgeAtEscape_duiker_max[t] age of plant when its stem diameter is larger than a max duiker bite AgeAtEscape_kudu[t] age of plant when its stem diameter is larger than a mean kudu bite AgeAtEscape_kudu_min[t] age of plant when its stem diameter is larger than a min kudu bite AgeAtEscape_kudu_max[t] age of plant when its stem diameter is larger than a max kudu bite