Analysis of the population genetics of Impala, Aepyceros Melampus, in Southern Africa using protein electrophoresis.

Fleming, Gavin John
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Impala are an ancient and successful specdes whose biogeography differs from other bovids. A detailed electrophoretic investigation of genetic variability within and between subpopulations found six polymorphic loci, CK-C"', GPl"', MPr\ PEP-Jr, PGM-2'" and PROT-2'" in a sample of 464 impala collected from 10 localities in southern Africa. Average gene diversity was 0,047. Between-population gene diversity was normal for bovid species. Allele frequency differences and genetic distances revealed low levels of subdivision into three broad regions. Wright's FST (0,035) revealed a significant yet low level of population subdivision. The distributions of single-locus heterozygosities and allele frequencies were significantly different to those predicted during mutation-drift equi librium, indicating that non-equilibrium conditions may prevail and that the population may be recovering from a recent bottleneck.
A Dissertation Submitted to the Faculty of Science of the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science.
Animal genetics., Impala., Genetics.