The assessment of function following intra-articular anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (12-48 months post-operatively).

Fleishman, Caren.
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The purpose of this retrospective study was to assess the Subjective, objective and functional results of intra-articular anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstructions using the patellar tendon. The subjects of one orthopaedic surgeon were assessed to eliminate surgical variability. Twenty active males, aged 20 - 35 were assessed twelve to fortyeight months post-operatively. Each subject completed a questionnaire and underwent various functional and subjective tests. Eighteen subjects (90 %) were satisfied with the outcome of their operation. Fourteen (70%) complained of intermittent pain or cdscomfort. Six (30%) complained of some form of post-operative giving way. Nineteen (95 %) had returned to sporting activity but most modified their sport or level of participation. Knee stability was restored post-operatively. Nineteen (95%) had a side-to-side difference of three rnillimetres (mm) or less on Lachman testing and eighteen (90 %) a side-to-side difference of 3mm or less on anterior drawer testing. Thirteen (65 %) had a 3mm or less side-to-side difference on KT1000 testing at 20 pounds (lbs) and 14 (70%) a side-to-side difference of 3mm or less on manual maximum testing. Isokinetic muscle testing revealed persistent quadriceps deficits greater than 20 % in seven subjects (35%) and three (15%) had similar hamstring deficits. Various factors may affect post-operative function. These include the length of rehabilitation, pain, residual quadriceps weakness and restoration of stability.
A research report submitted to the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Physiotherapy.
Ligaments, Articular., Knee surgery.