Analysis of patients presenting to the emergency department at Ceza Hospital for period of 1 year (1st January to 31st December 2010)

Ogungbire, John Ayodeji Abiola
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Patients present daily to the emergency department of Ceza hospital, Kwazulu Natal for medical treatment. Some of these patients are self-referral or referred by other health care workers. Analysis of demography of patients presenting to the emergency department from 1st January to 31st December 2010 was conducted to provide a general overview and characteristics of the studied population. It was a retrospective, transverse and descriptive study that involved patients’ records reviewed from a hospital register. The results showed that the commonest primary diagnosis was assault with a patient population of 81 (16.9%) followed by gastroenteritis (12.3%) and soft tissue injuries (8.5%) respectively. Most patients were single (94.6%), black (100%) and mostly males (57.7%). The highest number of the patient population seen at the emergency department was in February (14.8%) and the patients seen were mostly in the age range of 21 to 30 years. Most cases that presented to the emergency department were non-emergencies that constituted 67.2% of the cases seen and the emergency cases were only 32.8%. The highest patient population at the emergency department of Ceza hospital was 34.83% in summer with presentation peaking from 8.00 am until 11.59 am. The highest proportion of patients’ presentation was found to be during the weekends.